Category: Kids
Motivation from the Jury
»Functional for the parents and fun for the kids. A creative idea that enables kids to combine outdoor activities with new technology«, says one of the jury members. ReimaGO is a product to motivate kids to be more physically active in a fun and playful way. It combines a washable activity sensor, made by Suunto, that can be attached in a special pocket on Reima kids wear. With help of the simple app (iOS) kids can combine their physical activities with a mobile game and parents have an overview on the level of their kid’s movement.
Primary innovation features
New concept combining wearable technology with clothing.
Intended specific end use
Tracking and rewarding kids’ physical activity.
Specific Features
Durable, washable ReimaGO® activity sensor by Suunto can be attached to Reima outerwear using a special pocket with laminated Movesense press studs. The sensor wakes up when the wearer starts to move. Parents see kids’ activity scores in a simple mobile app (iOS). The app also has a fun kids’ interface through which rewards can be gained.
Sustainability information
ReimaGO® utilizes gamification of tracking kids’ movement to help encourage their activity outdoors, with the aim of improving their general health, motor skills and learning abilities. The ReimaGO® sensor is extremely durable and waterproof/machine washable, so it won’t be damaged if it is washed while inside its pocket. The battery is of a standard type and consumers can change it – average battery life with ca. 6 hours of daily use is around 6 months.
Available in stores
Autumn 2016.
Recommended retail price in SEK/Euro
Sensor € 49,95. The app is for free.
(Clothes ca € 69,95 – 189,95)