EOG Sustainability Charter

A signed agreement to align with the European Outdoor Group (EOG) Sustainability Charter is a requirement for membership in SOG – all current members have signed, and it is part of the membership onboarding process. The charter expresses alignment and support for the EOG’s efforts towards a more sustainable outdoor industry.


EOG Sustainability Charter

Launched in 2016, the EOG Sustainability Charter was developed by the association’s CSR and Sustainability Council, in partnership with key external stakeholders. It provides a framework and articulates strategic stages on a journey towards sustainability for the outdoor sector.


The Sustainability Charter outlines the European Outdoor Group’s understanding of what good corporate citizenship and responsibility entails. It is therefore intended as a guidance and help for the voluntary journey towards sustainable development that we encourage our members, and the outdoor industry at large, to undertake.


The annual SOG Sustainability Assessment is based on the EOG Sustainability Charter and offers members a status review of their sustainability efforts as well as a mapping of support needs and collaboration opportunities.


Additional documents:
EOG Sustainability Charter for signing