Eldris is the smallest Morakniv news ever

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For Outdoor season 2016 Morakniv is taking knife experience to whole new levels. With an updated high profile design, we’re proud to present three models of finest Swedish quality. Pocket size Eldris, full tang Garberg and the all-round Kansbol are the companions that will accompany your every outdoor adventure.

Remember the childhood days. The moments in the woods when adventure always was close by. The times by the lake, where hours and hours where spent waiting for the fish to strike. The sparking fire while relaxing after a day outside in the snow. These are all warm sparks of history that inspires you to go outside in search of your next little big adventure.
No matter the size of your very own adventure, a reliable partner is always needed. In one of our knife models you can find just that. We have a knife for starting that fire, for cutting that fishing line or for batoning that log. With a Morakniv in your backpack, around your neck or on your hip you’re more than ready to catch those memorable moments.

In our three outdoor news – Eldris, Kansbol and Garberg – you can find a knife for every occasion. No matter if you are the hardcore survivor, the discovering nature lover or the urban outdoor enjoyer, we have a knife for you. Because a Morakniv is more than just a knife, it’s a part of you and your adventure.

Eldris is our smallets news ever

Our main news for IWA Outdoor Classics is Eldris. It’s something entirely new and unique. A small fixed blade knife that fits in your pocket and can be hung around your neck. Eldris is designed for hiking, camping, picnicking, hunting, climbing and for all those times you need a flexible knife.

We just presented our full tang Garberg. Part from being our strongest knife ever, it was the first outdoor model dressed in our brand new signature high profile design. Now it’s time for the next Swedish knife revolution. Eldris is a pocket sized fixed blade knife that adds something entirely unique to the outdoor world.

“The Eldris knife has been in our minds for a long time, the small knife that fits easily in your pocket or hanging around your neck. Most times the modern outdoor life doesn’t need much more than this knife. You could say that this is our interpretation of the folding knives that are very popular today, but Eldris has the advantages of the rigid features of a fixed blade”, says Arvid Larsson, Design Engineer.

Morakniv Eldris is a flexible pocket size knife designed to perform outdoor tasks of all kinds. The 58 mm (2.2″) long blade is of high quality Swedish stainless steel, heat treated in Mora, Sweden according to our traditional company recipe. The blade has a Scandi-grind profile that makes it easy to keep sharp and a ground spine compatible with a fire starter.

A pocket size knife like Eldris is easy to bring with you, no matter the size of your adventure. For a day long hike it’s perfect for creating splinters for the self-evident fire, or for a smaller carving project. For the longer outdoor adventure or for the hunt, it will surprise with its strength and versatility. Eldris will allow you to work close to the game you are skinning and will be easily accessible in your breast or leg pocket in cases of instant need.

You can also take your Morakniv Eldris to the next level with the flexible neck knife kit including a paracord, a secondary lock and a fire starter. This kit enables an even greater use of the knife. Hang it around your neck with the multi-purpose paracord and carry it even more safely using the secondary lock. The minimalist fire starter is perfect for starting a warming fire or lighting a camping stove.

During the official release at IWA Outdoor Classics in Nuremberg, Germany, representatives from Morakniv, Sweden will be showing the first ever samples of Eldris.
Survival expert Johan Skullman is there giving his reviews of the Morakniv Eldris, as well as holding workshops with our newest little star in obvious focus.

Text and associated images about all our Outdoor News can be downloaded at:

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Intivation to Press Gathering: Swedish Fika with Morakniv
Outdoor Catalogue 2016

For more information, please contact:

Emelie Bröms
Marketing and Communication

About Morakniv

Say Morakniv to a Swede, and you can be sure that person has a childhood memory of fishing or making bark boats. The high quality knives have been manufactured in Mora, Sweden since 1891. Today, the skills of the local craftsmen are embodied in the family-owned factory, where high quality steel is turned into knives used and appreciated by outdoor lovers across the world.

Box 407
792 27 MORA